Domain Name Renewal

Do you have an existing domain name coming up for renewal?

Don’t get locked into your existing provider, renewing domain names at exorbitant prices, when you can get exactly the same service from us at what we think is pretty much the cheapest domain registration service available.

To take advantage of the savings we offer takes a couple of minutes of effort.  Here is how…

  1. Transfer your domain to ITD first.  Make sure you have more than 4 days left on your domain name. You will need to know the domain name and the domain password.
  2. If you don’t have it recorded then it’s available through your current domain name provider. log in to your account and get it emailed to you. They will likely take 3 days to send it to you which is the time limit set by the domain authority.
  3. Go to – enter your domain name and follow the online transfer process
  4. Once the transfer is complete we will send you an email.
  5. When you receive our email log into your domain managed and follow the online renewal process.

We offer a full range of domain names services and can be a one stop shop for all of your domain name management.

We also offer a number of other services including web hosting, email hosting, hosted MS exchange, and hosted servers.

Contact us to find out more on 1300 366 011