IT Strategy and Vision

Many companies invest in IT without truly understanding how it fits to the organisations business goals, or how it benefits the bottom line. ITD will work with the executive team to understand the broader objectives of the business. We will create a strategic plan with the business and IT that will account for the high priority items, and the longer term goals, in a controlled and transparent way.

IT Strategy Review

We will assemble all the inputs, interview stakeholders, review existing requirements and the business strategy and draw up a plan that will contain all items of the strategy for IT over the term. We will provide a program overview which can feed into project plans for the work to be executed in a controlled way. We will work with both IT and the business to make sure the strategy is agreed and relevant and then we will review quarterly to make sure it is on track.

Governance Review and Development

IT Governance- the “how” of IT Management. Are you doing the right things, are you fulfilling our legal obligations? We will review all existing governance documentation to understand where you are with governance. We meet with your key people to discuss the actual vs. the documented processes. We assemble the input to produce a report that identifies the difference between best practice for an equivalent organisation and your current position. Then we identify the high level tasks that need to be taken to address the gaps.

Services Review and Development

Is your IT delivering the services your business needs to be successful? Are there services the business needs that it’s not getting, is money being spent on services you don’t need? ITD can review your existing services and map them to the needs of the business so your IT can be tailored to provide the coverage required, and your IT investment can be targeted to help the business achieve its’ goals.

Infrastructure Strategy Development

Infrastructure is the foundation of your IT and it’s often hidden from the business, who take a greater focus on the applications – it’s easy for it to become the forgotten area. To ensure that your infrastructure doesn’t become the source of unexpected issues a well-defined IT Infrastructure Strategy is essential, and we can develop this for you. ITD will review your current position, identify and document the risks and issues, and working with your technical people produce a coherent roadmap for your infrastructure over 1, 3 and 5 years.

Development Strategy Development

Application Development can be an important pillar to your business, often being the key to driving ongoing improvement. But it’s not easy with most development departments just going with the flow, and the result is outcomes that are less than ideal. Development costing more than expected, always being late, or just products that aren’t quite what you needed them to be. ITD will review your current position, identify and document the risks and issues, and working with your development people produce a cohesive development strategy to get you on track and improving over 1, 3 and 5 years.

Technology Strategy Development

Your business has numerous different technologies: voice, mobile, Microsoft, Apple, intranet, internet and so on. The need for a coherent and cohesive strategy is clear. What is your approach to be? Integrated or independent, in-sourced or out-sourced, and what fits your business’s needs now and in the medium to long term.  ITD will bring clarity to you technology strategy, clearly documenting the technologies, the status, the strategy and reasons behind it so you have a roadmap to take you forward that not only meets the needs of your business but gives IT the guidance it needs to deliver without distraction.